Well it's official. My ass will be back in Vermont from Dec 22nd to Dec 30th.
And the rest of my body will be with it, granted US Airways doesn't completely screw me again like they did last year. But I think as some of you know I came out the winner in that one.
Can't wait to see everyone.
That was all luck man, but yeah that was awesome that it pulled through.
You sure it wasn't my ability to sell anything to anyone?
Bah! It was all automated.
I'll have you know that I had to write a nice long letter and fill out a page of itemized products per bag to pull that one off.
Should I hang my head now? LOL. Ok fine you're a good writer. But I don't know about salesperson. Unless you had to sell why you deserved it. You're just really good at reasoning. Damn logical. Too damn logical.
Saw this today and (obviously) thought of you. Tried to stalk you on friendster to send it in a message there...but alas, you are not accepting friendster messages.
That's right, we take pride in our products cus well they just kick ass. And that's what we do to people that try and steal the name.
Thank you for the article, and sorry about the friendster attempt I think the only reason I have that account was to check out a band and a friend on there. I had kinda forgotten about it.
You better watch it pal or the only thing you'll be getting for Christmas is a beat down.
HAHAHAHA. Thief! Couldn't have said it better myself. (Ok don't beat me up too! I just couldn't help it.) =P Hi Ian!
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